No Current Record – Estimated Time Only
fully crewed
est. 1d 9h 0m 0s
Double Handed
est. 1d 9h 0m 0s

The COurse
Leaving the classic record breaking start line at the Créac’h Lighthouse, blast across the western approaches to a friendly welcome in shelter of Cork Harbour
The COurse
Leaving the classic record breaking start line at the Créac’h Lighthouse, blast across the western approaches to a friendly welcome in shelter of Cork Harbour
The start line is a line 1nm long, running W from Créac’h lighthouse on Ushant, crossed from S to N
The finish is a line across the harbour entrance running W from beacon on Roche’s Point, crossed from S to N
Approx Distance: 230 NM

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Record | Boat Name | Owner Name | Skipper Name | Attempt Date | Elapsed Time | Tcc | Corrected Time | View |
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(outright record Crewed or DH)
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